Explore Package
Are you an Accredited Visitor Information Centre (AVIC) who’s interested in welcoming more visitors through your doors?
Connect to our Australia-wide audience of travellers.
Premium Explore Package
$500/ year
Unlimited profile access with high visibility to a large and established user market.
Unlimited description
High visibility on map
Unlimited images
Summary of visitor services
Promo video
Opening hours
Contact details
Website link
Socials link
GPS directions
Link bookings
Push notifications
Craft AVIC/destination blogs
Personalised user engagement reports
Support from assigned Relationship Manager
Access an established, Australia wide audience and be top of search on the home screen map. This increased discoverability feature will ensure your AVIC profile is not lost or hidden amongst surrounding POIs and remains visible even when a user has scrolled out of your immediate region.
Don’t be limited by just attracting visitors who are passing by. Start attracting visitors who are on the road or planning a road trip and are looking for information and inspiration. The app’s largest user segment is 25-34 year olds allowing AVICs to tap into Australia’s largest domestic drive tourism market*, and soon to be largest international travel market. This lucrative market offers AVICs an opportunity to grow in-centre visitor numbers and sustain this market for years to come.
Reaching a vital youth audience complements the strength of the traditional Grey Nomad audience that uses AVICs.
*Source: Tourism Research Australia Data 2023
Use your AVIC’s profile to add descriptions and links about a co-shared attraction, an events calendar, or the region’s top 10 things to see and do. Through the Premium Explore Package, add local travel points of interest to draw more eyes and attention to your region. Utilise the blog feature to further promote local attractions or events, and directly message users through personalised push notification wording.
With the Premium Explore Package, gain access to your own Business Portal account allowing you to access live user engagement reports. Your Business Portal account saves historical data so you can track your progress across profile searches, views, conversion rates, leads and engagement, as well as track how many active users are within your region and spot clusters of activity. Your assigned Relationship Manager will support you throughout your journey and be readily available to conduct profile review meetings and share tips, resources and hold training sessions to elevate your listing and promotion of your profile.
We are continually looking to bring new and exciting features and opportunities to the Explore Package community. In the last 6 months we’ve exclusively offered our Queensland Explore Package members a free Vacayit sensory audio guide for their AVIC in alignment with the Queensland Government’s Year of Accessible Tourism. In addition, we’ve brought all Explore Package members an exclusive discount to the Bookeasy Affiliate Model helping more AVICs have access to booking capabilities to enhance their AVIC services.
In a digital age where travellers are increasingly looking for convenience and inspiration, the need for trusted information on an established platform could not be more pressing.

Contact Us
Get in touch with us to learn more about the Australian Visitor Centres App and how the app can benefit your Accredited Visitor Information Centre, region or business.
(07) 3846 6535
Level 5, 189 Grey Street, South Bank QLD 4101